You say (8)
Hello I am against night flights from Manston Air Port between 11pm and 7am due to the amount of noise that will be produced over my house from the engines and I get up for work at Kent & Canterbury Hospital at 5.30am so I am in bed by 10pm and being a light sleeper I will be kept awake most of the night due to the noise this will also impact on my quality of life.
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I wish to make it known that I am completely opposed to the Night flights proposal to Manston Airport. My home is directly in the flight path of the planes over Herne Bay - which sometimes fly so low during the day, that I can see the Logos on the tail, and are always noisy, causing me irritation even though my home has double glazing.
I am 66 years old, have had triple valve replacement surgery plus a pacemaker in 2008, and must avoid stress. Scheduled night flights over my home would completely destroy my sleep, and ruin my days. The planes which will be used are the older very noisy ones. I am a concert pianist by profession and since my successful surgery, have begun playing again with concerts planned. I need my hours of peaceful sleep. This proposal night flights would totally affect my life in a negative way. During the summer I would never be able to sleep with windows open.
If in Paris the Metro shuts down during the night for the benefit of the citizens—in fact one can use the first Metro as a “wake-up”, why should Herne Bay not be allowed the same courtesy? This is all about money-making at the expense of the public—even our MP Roger Gale has regrettably done a U-turn from his election promises supposedly for the jobs that would be created—but his main concern is always the Thanet towns before Herne Bay. Manston is out on a limb and will never become a viable proposition.
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I am absolutely against night flights at Manston between 11pm and 7am.
I have read all published material regarding the proposals for Manston and do NOT want my sleep disturbed by huge noisy jets taking off and landing in the middle of the night. On the occasions when planes have come in or out of Manston late at night in the past, the noise is horrendous, much more noticeable than in the daytime when other noises dull the sound. If windows are open it is really annoying to be woken up just after going to bed and have to try and get back to sleep again, and if this is in the middle of the night it becomes harder.
With regard to creating much employment, there is little evidence that this would be the case, so the few jobs that might be created are not worth the loss of sleep to residents living either below or adjacent to the runway. My house is to the side of the end of the west of the runway and therefore planes are barely over tall tree height when taking off westwards and visible to the eye from my kitchen window with little need to tilt my head back, giving some idea of the closeness to my property. There are houses considerably nearer than mine and directly under the flight path, which would be even more affected than me. I think we have all been in Ramsgate shopping centre in the daytime and shuddered at the huge planes directly overhead at low altitude, making an incredible din – really frightening.
As seen by the collapse of so many companies trying to set up passenger airlines at Manston, there is not the need for passenger services during the daytime let alone the night-time, so it would probably only be for freight, and as Manston has always only been successful with freight, there is no requirement for this to expand into night flights when the airport is not running at full capacity during the daytime.
NO TO NIGHTFLIGHTS as even if allowed, the conditions would all be broken as currently happens and even if fines are imposed, they are after the event and sleep has already been lost.
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