You say (9)
My objections to night flights is for the noise we get from these low flying aircraft coming in to land it’s bad enough during the day.
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Dear Sirs,
I must protest about the proposed night flights we live in Cliffsend just south of the runway during the day when planes take off towards the east we cannot hear our television till they have passed over, when they take off to the west we have to put up with the smell of aviation fuel, when they arrive or take off in the night the noise wakes us both up, surely it cannot be right that we will suffer all night.
I would like to make an open offer for any of your councillors to stay in our house when these freight planes are going over and hear the noise for themselves.
Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights
Thank you for the opportunity to have my say about night flights. Having listened to all the arguments, I am opposed to night flights because of the detrimental effect they will have on Thanet’s economy.
In the immediate future…
1. Ramsgate's tourist industry will be badly affected. Tourists, who would have stayed the night and therefore spent more money, will not want to sleep in Ramsgate. With shorter stays, they will spend less money in local shops and restaurants, threatening the viability of a lot of local businesses. (An example - a couple of friends are coming to stay in a Ramsgate hotel for a short break, this month. They are coming here rather than face the very high price of going to Amsterdam for the same period. We could be making more of such visitors … who are beginning to think twice about holidaying abroad.)
2. The promised jobs, in the airport, if they happen, are likely to be as poorly paid as existing airport jobs – minimum wage. They will not compensate for the lost tourism jobs, which would create better paid, more skilful and fulfilling jobs for Thanet’s population.
3. With the noise of night flights damaging the quality of life, the people who can, are likely to leave, driving down house prices in Ramsgate. More people, with lower incomes, may be attracted to the area, which could result in much higher demand for statutory services – therefore affecting services across Margate and Broadstairs too.
In the longer term…
1. With night flights come interrupted sleep and therefore poor educational attainment for young people (as proved by the research when they moved the airport in Germany). As a result, our young people are likely to have poorer paid jobs, be more disillusioned and possibly disruptive citizens.
2. People already in key jobs, such as teachers, doctors and nurses, with interrupted sleep, are likely to make more mistakes – some of which could be life threatening. So educational and healthcare provision will be worse for the people of Thanet.
3. With broken nights comes more susceptibility to poor health for local people – who are therefore likely to put more stress on local services.
For all these reasons, I oppose night flights from Manston Airport.
Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

Reader Comments (1)
I am writing to strongly object to night flights being carried out from Manston Airport. I live under the flight path in Ramsgate with my wife and two children (aged 6 months and a 5 year old). They are woken, as are we, by the house shaking and the noise as the aircraft pass overhead. It is noticeable the next day how this affects our children (one who attends Primary School with his teacher commenting how my son has been 'unmotivated' on the day after), given that proposals are for 8 flights a night we are extremely worried for our and our childrens wellbeing. We feel that no proper environmental risk assessment has been carried out and that there is no evidence for the proposed 3,000 jobs - does 8 night flights produce 3,000 jobs? if this is so can someone produce the evidence? Can evidence be provided of the impact of these night flights on local residents or whether the Council/Airport Owners will be paying for soundproofing for the affected residents if these proposals are accepted? It feels as if the Airport Owners are are proposing night flights or nothing threat -w hat else can they propose that wont affect tax paying/voting families wellbeing? I have many other issues with this proposal, but for now I would like to register my objection.
I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to do so.