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Thanet Blogs


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Entries by HBM (492)


Manston's imaginary friends

"Action for Manston Airport" - clearly a heartfelt plea, so if any of you have any spare action, do sellotape it to a postcard and send it Mr Buchanan at the airport.

It's also the name of a Facebook thingy that's just been magicked out of thin air by a very enthusiastic couple - Irene & Antony Horwood. They have dragooned all their Facebook "friends", and a number of other people, into being an involuntary fan club for Manston.

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Night flight blight triggers house price crash

Ramsgate property prices have dropped over 7% in the last 6 months.

The effects of "night flight blight" can already be seen in the fall in house prices in Ramsgate, as compared to the rest of Thanet.

Despite its architectural richness, thriving independent retail sector, attractive harbour and the new high speed rail link, prices in Ramsgate over the last 6 months have fallen sharply

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Dear Reader, the time has come when we would like to have more than your thanks and praise - we would also like some of your money.

It's rather un-English to come out with it so bluntly, but this isn't the time for beating about the bush.

We've spent a couple of years funding this campaign out of our own pockets. At the brilliant meeting at Chatham House School last November you gave very generously when we passed the money buckets round, and we've had some delightfully chunky donations through this website.

As events unfold and the campaign gathers pace, we are now facing significant additional costs - in particular the costs of running one of the country's finest environmental and planning barristers.

In the top right of the screen on the website, you'll see a DONATE button. You can use most major credit cards, PayPal and direct debit. Please send us what you can.

We will use the money you send us to fight night flights.

Thank you.


CPRE response to the public consultation

I've got a lot of time for the CPRE, and in particular our local branch - Protect Kent. They've got their heads screwed on, and their hearts are in the right place.

I joined them, and I encourage you to join them too. Your membership fees pay for their expert staff to do things like producing the response below. Read and enjoy... then join up!

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You say (35)

#Manston #nightflights

I would like to say at the very outset that I am AGAINST night flights in any shape or form, that is flights that arrive or take off between the hours of 11.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. from Manston.

Apart from the fact that everyone needs a good night’s sleep in order to function properly the next day, it is my basic human right as defined by the European Court of Human Rights.

I feel that no airport anywhere should be even allowed to contemplate night flying unless all daytime capacity has been fully exhausted. My understanding is that even London Heathrow is only allowed a minimum of night flights per annum and as we all know, this is one of the busiest airports in the world. Noise quotas should have no bearing on night flights. The simple fact of the matter is that if it wakes me up its too loud!

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You say (34)

#Manston #nightflights


Our Group is opposed to any night flights at Manston up to 4 flights per nights would only increase the adverse noise impact for local residents and people as far away as Herne Bay and Sandwich.

Kent International Airport has underestimated the potential noise impact as the consultant’s report clearly points out local residents are experiencing considerable noise now with day time flights they shouldn’t be expected to tolerate it at night also.

The Airport Master Plan claims that Manston could handle 2.29m passengers and 167.500 tonnes of freight by 2018 whilst creating up to 2000 new jobs. This figure is grossly over optimistic for such a short timescale we understand that Thanet has long-term economic difficulties and high unemployment but expanding flights at Manston is not a long term answer to these serious problems. Firstly how are Thanet and East Kent roads expected to cope with all the extra car journeys and lorry movements expansion at Manston would generate.

Also how can increasing flights be compatible with The Climate Change Act, The UK will have little chance of cutting C02 emissions be 80% by 2050 if Airport are allowed to keep increasing flights. Britain needs to reduce air travel especially internal flights. France has shown that expanding high speed rail is the way forward many more people there are choosing rail than internal flights. Our Group does support linking Manston to the rail network and a new Manston Parkway Station which would be served by South Eastern High Speed Services. We support any measures to improve public transport and cycling routes between Manston and the rest of Thanet and East Kent.

We hope Thanet District Council will consider the long term adverse environmental effects of allowing night flights and further expansion at Manston and will reject Kent International Airports plans.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to register my objection to the proposed scheduled night flights proposal submitted by Infratil to Thanet District Council.

I am against this proposal for a number of reasons, which I would like to outline below.

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You say (33)

#Manston #nightflights

I would like to say I am AGAINST night flights during the hours proposed between 11pm and 7am over Thanet.

We have a successful hotel with a strong customer base. Guests come for the peace and quiet of the seaside, an important part of a good vacation, includes being able NOT to be disturbed during these hours.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I wish to declare that I am totally AGAINST any night flights between 11.00 pm and 7.00 am at Manston airport.


The noise projected from these over-sized planes is horrendous and is completely underestimated by the airport authorities and their advisers. QC 2 is VERY LOUD and will always wake everyone up, whilst QC 4 is UNBEARABLE and is not allowed at other airports during the night.

This country benefits from noise abatement between 11.00 pm and 7.00 am. Loud parties, music, car horns, sirens, shouting or drunken behaviour are not allowed by law. Why should air flights be the exception?

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Today's the day!

It's the last day of the consultation on night flights, so if you haven't had your say yet - HURRY UP!

Click HERE to find out how it works, and how you can have your say.

Click HERE to see what others have already said.

Here's a snippet from the Isle of Thanet Gazette, followed by a short video from the talented Andrew Woodman...

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Upping the ante

Well, here's a surprise - I asked Manston and Infratil and their spin doctors to justify their absurd job figures, and there's been absolute silence. Maybe it's just me - maybe they just won't talk to me. Maybe it would help if YOU asked them...

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You say... what you think

As you probably know by now, Thanet District Council have launched their public consultation (or mini-consultation, perhaps). It ends on Friday March 2nd, so if you haven't already told them what you think about Manston's night flights proposal, it's time to get typing or scribbling.

Do bear in mind that, regardless of what you may read in the press, this proposal isn't asking for 2 flights a night, or 8 flights a night... it's asking for unlimited night flights.

We've put together a handy little guide to the consultation which you can find HERE, and you can see all the background documents HERE.

Hundreds of people have already sent their contributions to the consultation, and some of them have been kind enough to send us copies to share with you on this site. You'll find a string of posts called "You say..." which each contain three or four contributions. Do dip in and have a read - they're all good, and some are great.


You say (32)

#Manston #nightflights

To whom it may concern

I am opposed to the night flights for the following reasons:

1. It will affect the value of my property as planes fly directly over my property and allowing night flights now means this will happen over a 24hr period.

2. The noise already is unacceptable and I feel we have the right to sleep in peace without planes waking us up

3. I feel it will have an adverse effect on the tourism industry in Ramsgate

4. I do not feel there are enough job opportunities versus the potential impact on tourism

5. Night flights will become popular with existing day flights at Manston Airport

6. Every time Manston launch a proposal it effects the sales of properties

I do however want the council to listen to the public who live in the affected areas and allow them a democratic say in what happens in the area that, they live and have invested significant amounts of money and time.

A decision needs to be made and it needs to be binding, without allowing Manston Airport the opportunity to challenge the voice of the people continually.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

Do we want to encourage visitors to come to Ramsgate, stay in our hotels, spend money in restaurants and cafes, and shop in our High Street? The answer would appear to be "Yes", when you consider, for example, the Royal Sands development at Marina Esplanade, which will provide a prestigious hotel and over one hundred apartments. However, with 8 flights a night, between the hours of 11.30 p.m and 6.00 a.m., a guest may spend one sleepless night in the hotel, never to return, and the apartments will remain unsold, once prospective buyers realize that they will never get a good night's sleep. The flight path goes directly over this development.

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You say (31)

#Manston #nightflights

As supposed intelligent human beings how you can see any positives to this selfish proposal is beyond me. The highly negative effect this will have on the local towns and villages and the day to day lives of local people and their businesses will be disastrous.

Not only will people not be able to sleep, as the decibels have already been proven to be over the legal limit but people businesses will fail and house prices will dramatically drop bringing this area down. Tourists will not visit this area which will mean less money is being bought to up and coming areas like Margate and Ramsgate.

What are you thinking you selfish, money hungry, life ruining group of people!! Forget about yourselves for once and start seeing the bigger picture that you are ruining thousands of people's lives!!

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I write to say that I am against the proposed extension of night flights at Manston between 11 pm and 7 am.

I am unconvinced that new (scheduled) night flights will have any impact on unemployment figures. And I am convinced that the proposal seriously underestimates the amount of noise and nuisance these flights would cause.

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You say (30)

#Manston #nightflights

I am AGAINST night flights from Manston airport.


Living on the Nethercourt estate we bear the brunt of flights to and from the airport. The noise is so loud that we are afraid the planes will hit the roof of our house and is very frightening. We are woken up every time and it is difficult to get back to sleep again. If this happens as a regular event several times a night our health and well being will deteriorate rapidly, as has been proved medically

The more flights there are, there is more damage to the structure of the house and roof.

It causes animals to become traumatised at night by loud noises, I have even seen foxes and birds frightened at night.

It would be far better to develop the tourist trade of the area which will provide more jobs than the airport will.

We are too far east of Britain to make it a suitable area for a large airport the distances are too great for travel to the rest of the UK.

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Dear Sirs,

I am emailing to notify my strong opposition to the Manston night flight proposals. I and my family are living in Herne Bay immediately beneath the inbound flight path for aircraft approaching Manston from the East, and have for many years suffered the noise, pollution and danger created by the old aircraft used.

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You say (29)

#Manston #nightflights

Dear Sirs,

I do not want the night flights proposal to be approved.

I live in Ramsgate and I’m very keen for the town to prosper but think that night flights will be very detrimental to this for the following reasons.

The town’s history and future is as a tourist resort and night flights will be very detrimental to this. I think there are very tourists who would be happy to have their sleep spoiled or their restaurant meals disturbed during their visit because of the noise these night flights will make.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I am opposed to the proposal that Manston should be allowed to operate night flights between 11.00pm and 7.00pm.

I live directly under the flight path - by the time the planes are over my house I can virtually count the rivets on the undercarriages. The recent increase in night flying during the second half of 2011 has had a deleterious effect on our sleep. On one occasion my 14 year old son was awoken at 3.30am approx. and said "I thought a bomb had gone off!" Imagine how frightening this must be for smaller children.

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You say (28)

#Manston #nightflights

We are against the proposal to allow night flights from Manston Airport as it will disturb our sleep. We occasionally hear aircraft at night as it is and are dreading a time when this may become a regular occurrence. I have a disabling illness and do not need any extra stress.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to voice my opposition to night flights (between 11pm and 7am) to and from Manston. I live under the approach from the west in Herne Bay.

The first house I owned was on a busy street in Northfleet which was, like most roads, quiet at night. At about between 5-6 am traffic started moving so it was impossible to get good quality sleep after this disturbance started. It wasn't until I moved to a quieter location that I realised I was getting better and longer sleep and how much better I felt as a result.

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You say (27)

#Manston #nightflights

Dear Sir/ Madam

My husband and I are against any night flying at Manston Airport.

We have already been warned of some night flights during the summer Olympics, to allow V.I.P.s. to come and go at their convenience.

During a normal summer, when sitting quietly in our garden, we have to endure  endless circuits by empty planes to earn the airport some revenue. This is bad enough.

If the council permits night flying, they will have betrayed the people of Ramsgate and this will be remembered by us in any forthcoming elections.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

Dear Thanet District Council.

My Family and I are strongly against the night flights at Kent International Airport (Manston).

We live on the direct flight path on the Nethercourt estate

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You say (26)

#Manston #nightflights

I am against night flights at Manston excepting for emergencies. My main reasons are:

1 My health - I have suffered sleep deprivation in the past and have no wish to go through that again for whatever reason

2 Manston as far as I can tell has plenty of spare capacity during the day and this should be used before night flights

3 Cargo planes are heavier and noisier than passenger planes

4 I do not see how having night flights at Manston will create that many more jobs, and is it really worth doing so many people more harm for such a sort sighted reason as creating about twenty jobs

5 When we first came to the area, Manston was NOT an airport it was an Aerodrome, we had much delight watching the fighter jets etc go over us , but this was perhaps once a week if that and NEVER at night. My family moved here for peace, quiet and beg you not to allow night flights which will in my view ruin a lovely area of Kent.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

Dear Sirs

I am writing to make my case against the proposed night flights to or from Manston Airport.

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You say (25)

#Manston #nightflights

Dear consultation committee,

I am writing to register my OPPOSITION to the proposal to introduce night flights from Manston Airport. My family and I live directly under the flight path and we are therefore directly affected by the proposal.

Also, I am an academic psychologist so I am well aware of the potentially negative effects of sleep deprivation, which will be an inevitable consequence of introducing night flights. People who are sleep deprived tend to have increased blood pressure, are more likely to suffer depression and anxiety, are more likely to develop headaches, suffer confusion and memory loss, hallucinations, and irritability.

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You say (24)

#Manston #nightflights

I am opposed to night flights at Manston between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Although in Cliftonville I apparently live miles from the flight path and its noise, I have over the past few months on several occasions been disturbed by the noise of flights between 1 and 2 a.m. It is clearly a fallacy that only people under the flight path suffer. Noise travels, particularly when its origin is in the air and it does not encounter obstacles, and its effect is magnified particularly at night when it is not disguised by normal daytime sounds.

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You say (23)

#Manston #nightflights


Dear Sirs,

The consideration of granting permission for night time flights based on jobs in this issue, must be dealt with on facts rather than hope using information supplied by the party who stands to gain. Quite understandably this information will be biased, as Infratil and their shareholders will gain considerably just by increasing their asset value should the Airport be given night flying permission even if it is never used. With that in mind, should you grant permission, as a protection I would suggest you impose a 'Windfall Tax' of 50% of their profits should they sell the asset within the next 10 years. If they are genuine in their intentions they will have no objections whatsoever to these conditions.

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