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* except "AHEM" flights: Aid, Humanitarian, Emergency, Military

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Entries in Nutshell (4)


In a nutshell: Noise

Dear reader, your ears are astonishing. They have a subtle sensitivity that is beyond the skills of modern science to duplicate. And they're kinda cute, too. Millions of years of selective honing has produced an exceptionally capable system: consider what an extraordinary and useful skill it is to be able to tell when a politician is lying to you, even with your eyes shut.

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In a nutshell: airport manners

  • The Draft Masterplan for KIA is indicative but insubstantial – it needs to be redrafted, and then put out to consultation properly.
  • The Section 106 Agreement should reflect the needs of everyone affected by the operation of the airport, not just Infratil and TDC.
  • There is absolutely no need or justification for night flights (other than emergency diversions).
  • Flight paths should avoid population centres by overflying the sea, or sparsely populated land.
  • If overflying towns is unavoidable, the planes could fly higher for longer, and then descend more steeply.
  • These ‘people-friendly’ routes should be agreed and implemented before flight volumes increase.
  • Infratil must demonstrate that the routes are being adhered to by recording and reporting what the planes actually do, by installing adequate noise and pollution monitoring equipment and ensuring it is used consistently.
  • The readings from all the monitoring equipment must be recorded consistently, and the recorded readings must be published frequently and regularly (e.g. on-line).
  • Failure to comply with the S106 agreement must be reported and fined. Any decisions not to fine must be explained.

In a nutshell: Manston

Manston a.k.a. Kent International Airport is an ex-RAF base in north-east Kent, just west of Ramsgate. It passed from the RAF to Wiggins, then PlaneStation, owners of EUJet (a budget passenger airline). EUJet went bust, and in August 2005 the administrators sold Manston to Infratil, a New Zealand-based multi-national infrastructure investor.

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In a nutshell: Night Flights


  • be able to schedule flights throughout the night
  • increase the number of night flights from 2 a week to 7.7 a night
  • operate a "Quota Count" system: every plane has a QC number, the louder the plane, the larger the number. The airport wants an annual Quota Count total - a "plane noise budget" for night flights
  • be able to fly planes up to and including QC4 (a 747 jumbo) at any time throughout the night
  • apply the night flight Quota Count to planes flying between 11:30pm and 6am, even though the standard definition of "night" is 11pm to 7am.

... and much more

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