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Big Apple pie in the sky

Following a 90 day consultation process, Manston is starting to cut its coat according to its cloth and has announced the loss of four jobs. There's no mention of what these roles were, but hopefully the four unlucky employees will find that their skills are in demand elsewhere in Thanet and they won't spend too long between jobs.

The four posts probably account for about a third of the £350k savings that have been identified - there's no indication as to where the rest comes from. I would have assumed that, like most companies in our recessionary/doldrums economy, Manston would be running as lean and mean as it could. This would suggest the savings come from cuts, rather than increased efficiencies.

Nonetheless, true to his roots in corporate communications, Charles Buchanan tries to soften the bad news with a sprinkling of glitter... "talks have been held with representatives of a new airline that is considering introducing direct flights to New York".

Ah! The magic of New York - just slipping it in at the very end of a press article has the intended transformative effect. Unfortunately (and you knew this was coming, didn't you) the story gets thinner and thinner the harder you look.

So, who's the airline? Well, it appears to be FlyInvicta. Never heard of them? Don't feel bad about it, lots of people haven't heard of them. It's a moot point whether they actually exist as an airline yet. They first popped up in the local press in mid-July, sounding new and tentative:

  • the fledgling company has contacted Manston Airport chiefs to notify them of their intentions
  • [FlyInvicta is] in the process of raising the necessary funding required to secure its short to medium-term future
  • [FlyInvicta is] a pioneering long-haul operator with plans to fly new trans-Atlantic routes
  • [FlyInvicta said] the Manston to New York route was far from a done deal and that they were also in talks with airports in London, the north of England and mainland Europe

More recently, FlyInvicta said on the Manston Movements fan-site:

FlyInvicta have pleasure in advising that we have held talks with Manston as well as other airports. To stop the rumour mill from working overtime, the airline will be operating from North America. FlyInvicta is a pioneering long-haul operator with plans to fly a number of Trans-Atlantic routes. No other comment will be made at this time and FlyInvicta would like to thank you for your continued support and hope that we can encourage you to fly with us.

As another contributor pointed out, all that's needed is a "credible business plan, funding sources, and a route map with aircraft and crew".

So FlyInvicta may be on the brink of greatness, but it seems to be quite a wide brink at the moment.


Job losses at Manston Airport

Four jobs are to go at Manston Airport in a cost-cutting programme amid speculation that a new service to New York is poised for take-off. The airport, owned by New Zealand company Infratil, has been losing money on its operations and needed to cut costs to give it a more secure future.

Airport chiefs recently examined working patterns to see where cost savings could be made. This process and staff consultation has identified savings of more than £350,000 and the loss of four roles. Charles Buchanan, airport chief executive, said:

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Woken in the small hours, 10th July

Thanet District Council's Penny Button Penny.Button@thanet.gov.uk has special responsibility for Manston Airport. Here's what she had to say to one of the many unhappy residents who contacted her:

Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding an aircraft movement associated with Kent International Airport. The statutory powers available to Thanet District Council to deal with noise exclude aircraft noise, however, we do have a voluntary Town & Country Planning Act S106 agreement with the airport operator which contains some sanctions with regard to aircraft movements.

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Air Passenger Duty

Special pleading for yet more handouts from the public purse.

Manston and a clutch of other regional airports are asking the Government to change the way that APD (Air Passenger Duty) is levied. The suggestion is that APD levels should "be set at a lower level for uncongested regional airports with significant available capacity to help alleviate congestion and improve the passenger experience at the main London airports."

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Why Steer Davies Gleave?

This is from the internal KCC document that describes how the contract (to produce the supporting report for the £10m RGF bid) was awarded.

Outline of Project

Although KCC has previously carried out some outline feasibility work for the proposed Thanet Parkway station (most recently in July 2009), this requires significant updating and development; including more comprehensive passenger demand forecasting and a full feasibility design of the station and car park, if a robust and credible RGF bid is to be prepared. The Government is particularly interested in the job creation potential (both direct and indirect) of proposed schemes, which has not previously been a requirement of traditional transport appraisals. For these reasons, and in light of the challenging timescale for the submission of a first-round RGF bid, it was agreed with the Director of Integrated Strategy and Planning that KCC should invite three technical consultants to tender for this work.

Reasons for appointing this particular Consultant:

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Airport Working Party neutered?

Oh dear. What are the members of the AWP going to do to fill the hours? Their Terms of Reference have been "amended", removing the interesting and useful bits. I guess they'll just have to make the most of their invaluable research trips around the country to find out what happens at other regional airports. Rather than just phoning them.

  • Deleted: Consideration of the airport's proposed night flying policy including establishment of parameters for community consultation and assessment of technical criteria against which the policy can be judged.
  • Deleted: Work towards the preparation of a supplementary planning document relating to the development of the airport to provide a policy basis for the Council to steer airport growth in a manner that is environmentally acceptable.
  • Deleted: Research and make recommendations on future public engagement.
  • Deleted: Review the results of public engagement and report to the Panel for decision.




Updated on Jul 18, 2011 at 15:42 by Registered CommenterHBM

Predetermination: valid concern or convenient cover story?

Cock-up or conspiracy? A question that keeps popping into my head whenever I look at the long-standing and slipshod relationship between TDC and Manston. Today's source of wonderment is the aborted motion on night flights at the 14th July TDC Council meeting.

The snippet of Labour press release reproduced below gives one side of the story. Political hot air to one side, it appears that the motion regarding night flights was scotched at the very last minute, rather than at any point in the preceding month or so. Incompetence on the part of officers for accepting an ill-formed or illegal motion? Or what passes for political finesse on the part of the majority party?

I have yet to see the full legal advice (do please send in your copy), but my team of researchers tell me that me that Bevan Brittan's advice was that even debating the motion could be construed as predetermining any possible future application from Manston.

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Transatlantic plans for Manston

A new airline has declared an interest in operating transatlantic flights from Manston. FlyInvicta.com is looking to initially run day-time flights between the East Kent airport and New York. The fledgling company has contacted Manston Airport chiefs to notify them of their intentions.

FlyInvicta.com stressed that the Manston to New York route was far from a done deal and that they were also in talks with airports in London, the north of England and mainland Europe. The company is also in the process of raising the necessary funding required to secure its short to medium-term future against factors such as rising fuel costs and a proposed rise in airport tax.

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Caption Competition

Exercise your wit...Charles Buchanan, Strategy Director for London City Airport being presented the award by Wanderlust's Editor-in-Chief, Lyn Hughes.


Night Flights: too hot to handle?

Calling all TDC-ologists: what's going to happen on Thursday?

Cllrs Hart and Poole have tabled a motion about Night Flights for the Council meeting on Thursday 14th July 2011. The blurbs that come with the meeting handouts say that there are two options:

  • To note that the motion stands referred without discussion to Cabinet; or
  • To debate the motion.

All the Councillors who pay any attention at all will have registered that night flights are a hot topic. All the manifestos made some kind of reference or pledge, and the results in several seats in Ramsgate were decided on the strength of the candidates' stance on night flights.

The election is over, the dust has settled, and there's no longer any need to pussy-foot about. The Council is now in a position to knuckle down and get on with the job it was elected for: representing the wishes and interests of the electorate.

So, what's it to be? Kick it into the long grass, or debate it? Click here to find out what happened.

“The Council adopts a policy of not allowing scheduled, pre-planned or otherwise timetabled flights between the hours of 23:00 and 07:00. That a period of 1 hour at either end of the flying day be allowed for late/early arriving flights only. That a penalty be applied to any flights arriving during the 1 hour periods. No take-offs will be allowed between 23:00 and 07:00 hours and a schedule of exceptions to the above be prepared to include ‘mercy flights’, and flights for medical emergencies, coastguard movements etc.”


Trickle of funding for Manston Parkway

0.13% of a station

On reflection, I think "trickle" may be over-stating it a bit - this is more of a slight dampening.

There is a document called Growth without Gridlock, which is KCC's grandiose plan for turning the Garden of England into a 24 hour blur of traffic. It includes:

  • plans for a Third Thames Crossing (that the local councils at either end of the proposed crossing don't want),
  • upgrades to the M2 and M20 (to squeeze more lorries through Dover),
  • enhancements to Operation Stack (to provide parking for those lorries),
  • upgrades to the high speed rail link to Ramsgate (to speed up the trains),
  • and a new Manston Parkway station (to slow them down again).

All in all, as fine a display of joined-up thinking as we're likely to see from KCC any time soon, and a bargain at £1.77 billion. Yes, that's £1,770,000,000. KCC have been roaming the streets with their hands outstretched, seeking funds from every quarter. The latest mark to be suckered into coughing up is the Local Sustainable Transport Fund

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Woken in the small hours, 1st July


I live in Ramsgate and was woken up at 3.50am this morning (1st July 2011) by a plane coming in to land at Manston.  I couldn't get back to sleep.  I feel terrible now and I know I'll feel terrible for the rest of the day.  It makes Ramsgate a bad place to live and I find that really upsetting.

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MAG quits KIACC as noise worries are 'ignored'

"The consultative committee has been treated with contempt and, in consequence, has failed to exert any influence over the legitimate environmental concerns of local residents. We have no time to waste on pointless meetings, and we no longer want our membership of the committee to constrain us in countering the pro-night-flight propaganda campaign which is being conducted through the local media."

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Infratil Annual Results 2011

Infratil's results are out, and they don't make happy reading for Manston, or Prestwick. I'm not an accountant, but the table of numbers doesn't look pretty - click it to big it.


Infratil's two remaining European airports continued to experience very difficult trading conditions. Notwithstanding excellent cost control, losses grew as traffic continued to weaken.

The airports in Glasgow and Kent represent 4% of Infratil's assets and contributed an EBITDAF loss of £5 million (NZ$10 million) for the year.

Management is very aware of this disproportionate value/contribution aspect and the situation is receiving the urgent attention it warrants.

There are several solutions possible, but regrettably the preferred one, an improving European aviation scene lifting activity and hence income, seems the least likely.


Manston unmonitored

Like getting blood from a stone, corpuscles from concrete, plasma from paving stones... you get the picture. It can be frustrating for information vampires, thirsting after a few drops of information from TDC. But patience and persistence is rewarded:

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TDC seeks Regeneration chief. GSOH essential.

District council chiefs have begun the hunt for a new regeneration manager to oversee their ambitious plans to redevelop Thanet. The new post was advertised in the national press last week after bosses failed to find an internal candidate for the job.

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Talks continue over airport job losses

Potential job losses at Manston airport are still a reality as the statutory consultation with its staff ended this week. Airport chief executive Charles Buchanan confirmed that talks were ongoing after the minimum 90-day period was fulfilled this week.

Meanwhile, the airport will submit a new proposal for expansion to the council's Airport Working Group next month. Campaigners against the expansion oppose Buchanan's plans as the possibility of noisy night flights would affect their sleep and quality of life.

Buchanan understands the concerns but believes the impact of the expansion must be balanced with the economic benefits. Plans to welcome a major airline are still being negotiated.

IoT Gazette 24th Jun 2011


Iran Air: US sanctions in June 2011

The US has imposed economic sanctions on Iran's national airline, saying Iran Air had supported the Iranian military.

In a statement, the treasury department also said the airline had provided "material support and services" to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. It said the paramilitary group supported terrorism and committed human rights abuses against protesters.

The US accuses Iran of aiming to develop nuclear weapons. Tehran says its programme is wholly peaceful. In addition, the US treasury department accused Iranian port company Tidewater Middle East Company of the Revolutionary Guard Corp of exporting arms and military equipment from the seven ports it operates in the country.

"Preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons is a top US government priority and we remain deeply concerned about Iran's nuclear intentions," US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said in a joint statement. "The United States is committed to a dual-track policy of applying pressure in pursuit of constructive engagement, and a negotiated solution."

Iran Air has faced US sanctions since 1995, preventing it from buying aircraft or spare parts from Boeing or Airbus. Last year, the European Commission banned Iran Air jets from European air space, citing safety concerns.

The new sanctions mean no US company will be able to do business with Iran Air or Tidewater, and if the companies hold any assets in the US, those will now be frozen.

"The US and our partners remain fully committed to a diplomatic solution with Iran," Mrs Clinton and Mr Geithner said. "However, until Iran is prepared to engage seriously with us on such a solution, we will continue to increase pressure against Iranian entities of concern."

BBC 23rd Jun 2011


Increasing interest in Southend Airport

It seems that Stobart Group (owners of Southend Airport) are now starting to reap the benefits of their substantial investment in the airport. Unlike Infratil (owners of Manston Airport) they invested their own money, rather than seeking public subsidies.

While Infratil scrimped on monitoring equipment, and belatedly installed new radar only when co-funded by Vattenfall (the windfarm people), Stobart Group put their money where their mouth is and forked out for a new control tower, railway station, etc to the tune of £60m.

The upshot is that they have managed to snatch easyJet from Manston's jaws, and this may be a tipping point for both airports.

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EasyJet commits to Southend Airport

Some interesting things to note here:

  • 800,000 passengers = 150 airport jobs
  • EasyJet chose Southend in preference to Manston
  • Stobart Group invested £60m of their own money in the airport

London to get its sixth international airport in Southend - just in time for the Olympics

The budget airline easyJet unveiled ambitious plans yesterday to transform Southend-on-Sea airport into a rival for Gatwick and Stansted. It means London will be served by a sixth international airport in time for the 2012 Olympics.

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