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In a nutshell: Night Flights


  • be able to schedule flights throughout the night
  • increase the number of night flights from 2 a week to 7.7 a night
  • operate a "Quota Count" system: every plane has a QC number, the louder the plane, the larger the number. The airport wants an annual Quota Count total - a "plane noise budget" for night flights
  • be able to fly planes up to and including QC4 (a 747 jumbo) at any time throughout the night
  • apply the night flight Quota Count to planes flying between 11:30pm and 6am, even though the standard definition of "night" is 11pm to 7am.

... and much more

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The Background Story

Manston a.k.a. Kent International Airport is an ex-RAF base in north-east Kent, just west of Ramsgate. It passed from the RAF to Wiggins, then PlaneStation, owners of EUJet (a budget passenger airline). EUJet went bust, and in August 2005 the administrators sold Manston to Infratil, a New Zealand-based multi-national infrastructure investor.

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Airport growth 'flight of fancy'

Green campaigners have said plans to expand a Kent airport to handle up to six million passengers a year by 2033 are "flights of fancy". Kent Green Party has delivered a critical submission in response to Kent International Airport's plans. The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has also said the plans, revealed on 8 October, are unrealistic.

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Airport hopes to soar above crunch

Matt Clarke says the economic situation is affecting operating profit after the airport posted a loss of £2.2 million

Clipping: thisiskent

Manston Airport’s owner, Infratil Airports Europe, has posted a loss of £2.2 million in their interim report for the six months of the year up to September 30. Airport chief executive Matt Clarke blamed the loss of freight and charter holiday services and the recent rise in fuel prices.

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Six million passengers for Kent airport

An international travel hub could be created at Kent International Airport at Manston. The 25-year vision from KIA bosses at the former Battle of Britain airfield includes a complex to rival Luton and Stanstead, with passenger intake increasing from 16,000 a year at today’s figures to six million in 2033.

It foresees a second passenger terminal, an extension to the A299 Thanet Way - providing a direct route into the airport for freight and passenger traffic, and a railway station to serve the airport, which aims to take passengers from London St Pancras to Manston in 80 minutes. Two spots have been earmarked for the parkway station - at Cliffsend and the Lord of the Manor roundabout, which is the favoured spot.

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Misery for Manston as tour operator collapses

Passengers have been grounded and holiday hopes dashed by the collapse of another tour operator at Kent International Airport.

Clipping: thisiskent

Passengers have been grounded and holiday hopes dashed by the collapse of another tour operator at Kent International Airport. Seguro Travel, which operated weekly passenger flights from Manston to Majorca and the Canaries, ceased trading on Wednesday leaving 2,400 people abroad and scrapping holidays booked by a further 17,000 people.

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Carter prefers Manston to Boris Island

Kent County Council leader Paul Carter has hit back at Boris Johnson's call for a new airport in the Thames Estuary. Mr Johnson, the Tories' London mayoral candidate, is calling on the Government to reconsider plans for a new airport in the estuary instead of going ahead with the widely opposed plans for a third runway at Heathrow.

But Cllr Carter on the other hand believes Kent International Airport at Manston could be the solution to improve airport capacity and has invited MP Boris Johnson to see for himself.

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How much did KCC's trip to USA cost the public?

Kent County Council has asked for extra time to respond to a Freedom of Information request about the cost to the taxpayer of a recent KCC trip to America.  Deputy leader Alex King led a Kent delegation to Virginia last month to take part in celebrations to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the first English-speaking settlement in the New World.

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Cosmos pulls out of Manston as US flight plans grounded

Package holiday giant Cosmos has this morning confirmed it has pulled the plug on its planned flights to the US from Thanet's Manston Airport. The tour giant, which promised to make the Thanet airport a major departure point for flights to the United States, has failed to sell enough seats both in the UK and US.

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Travel agent is to be based on-site at Manston airport

Brockmans Travel will be selling holidays and flights at Kent International from 2007. Brockmans will be selling holidays and flights from Kent International from firms including Kent Escapes, which is operating to Benidorm, Majorca and Faro, Cosmos, which is flying to Norfolk, Virginia, in the USA and Newmarket Holidays which is offering flights to Italy.

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US flights a £20m annual boost to county's economy

Direct flights between Kent and America will boost the county's economy by at least £20 million a year, tourist chiefs have been told. The prediction was made during an event to promote the start of passenger services from Kent International Airport at Manston to Norfolk, Virginia. The once-a-week service, which begins next spring, will bring in £5m from May to October 2007, it was claimed.

And if the route becomes permanent the financial boost for Kent could be four times that figure a year if US tourists stayed for just four days each, according to Tony Freudmann, chairman of aviation consultancy firm FT International. But he warned an audience of tourist managers at the Hop Farm in Paddock Wood on Tuesday:

"We have 10,000 tickets to sell and we need to sell them as quickly as possible."

KentNews 11th Oct 2006


Airport without radar until end of the year

Kent International Airport has been without radar following a lightning strike in May. Vital air traffic control equipment at the former RAF Battle of Britain base at Manston, was knocked out during a major thunderstorm and won't be replaced until the end of the year. At the moment jumbo jet pilots are using their eyes to get onto Britain's longest runway but neighbouring residents are worried.

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Bookings start for Manston flights to Virginia

Cosmos Holidays has launched its travel brochure for next year’s transatlantic service from Manston to Virginia, which will see thousands of American tourists flocking to the county each year. The direct charter flights to the American colonial state will be the first of their kind in the UK.

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Council told to disclose legal advice over night flights

Thanet Council has been ordered to make public legal advice it received over controversial night flights from Manston Airport. The council caused controversy when it entered into an agreement in 2005 with the airport’s operators Planestation that permitted additional scheduled flights to take place beyond 11pm.

At the time, many residents in the area were dismayed, saying they faced noise disruption. There were claims that the change was one that should have required planning permission. Council chiefs had initially refused to disclose the advice of its lawyers, relating to a variation in the terms of what is known as a Section 106 agreement.

It rejected a request made under the Freedom of Information Act, saying the advice was legally privileged information and there was no public interest in releasing it. But now an information tribunal has officially ruled that the council was wrong.

A panel that considered a formal appeal said councillors had already referred to the legal advice during the course of a public council meeting when the issue of the impact of night flights had been raised. As a result, the full contents of the lawyers’ advice, which addressed the issue of whether the change in policy needed planning permission should be released, the panel concluded. In a statement, the council insisted it had not deliberately sought to suppress the information. The statement said:

“Thanet District Council is committed to providing as much information as possible to the public. However, the council took legal advice in this case and we were advised not to release any information which would jeopardise the future of a passenger service at Kent International Airport.”

kentonline 2nd Aug 2006


Direct flights to USA from Manston next year

Direct flights transatlantic flights will start from Kent International Airport next year. Norfolk International Airport in Virginia is contributing half the start up costs (£400,000) with Kent County Council and a coalition of investors...

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Direct air link to US cleared for take off

Long-promised direct flights between Kent and Virginia look set to take off next year. Senior representatives of Norfolk International Airport, Virginia, and Kent County Council are poised to sign an agreement that paves the way for new aviation links from May 2007.

A weekly charter service between Norfolk and Manston would be operated by Cosmos in the UK and CI Travel in the United States. Norfolk Airport Authority has agreed to become a financial partner and is understood to have pledged half the start-up costs. The proposed service builds on a Memorandum of Understanding between the state of Virginia and Kent signed in Richmond, Virginia, last June. One of its stated aims is the creation of an air bridge between the two regions to promote business, education and leisure links.

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Passenger flights to America from Manston planned

The county could become a gateway to the United States by next spring, Kent on Sunday can reveal. Negotiations are at advanced stages to operate passenger flights between Kent International Airport at Manston and Norfolk, Virginia, on the east coast of the US.

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Kent's investment in US event "value for money"

What were they thinking?

Kent County Council is to spend £225,000 as a joint sponsor of a major cultural festival in America, it has emerged. The council has agreed to become a key financial backer of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington in 2007 as part of a drive to boost the number of American tourists coming to Kent. Council chiefs say the investment represents “value for money” and could eventually deliver a £50 million fillip to the county’s tourism industry.

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