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No case for night flights

Something of the night

They must be bats, wanting to fly in the dark. Not in the squeaky, blood-sucking sense. Just a bit nutso. Re-tune your ears and minds to human frequencies and I'll explain...

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Freight over-stated

Nosey, picky

Infratil's silver-tongued spinners at Maxim PR told the world that Manston currently handled "33,000 tonnes of freight" when they trumpeted Infrapenny's MasterPlan (8th Oct 2008). Oops.

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Fanciful employment figures

Infratil has more than 300 imaginary friends. It's OK though: they're not completely imaginary, because TDC believe in them too. But nobody wants to get bogged down in the humdrum details of where these 300 might actually live and work in real life.

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British Airways reject Manston airport

SLEEPERS can rest easy for awhile after British Airways shelved plans to fly noisy cargo planes over the area. Complaints flooded in after the airline was given the go ahead to fly 11 planes out of Kent International Airport at Manston and across Herne Bay, Tankerton and Chestfield the town between 6am and 11.30pm every day. Canterbury City Council was given just five days to respond to the proposal passed by its Thanet counterparts late last month.

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The very thought

"Members suggested the need to communicate and establish a working relationship with the Kent International Airport Consultative Committee (KIACC)."

Thanet District Council's Airport Working Group minutes, 27th Feb 2009

Great idea, guys. It's never too late.

Elected and supportive

Carrying on...

Just had a call from Cllr Vince McMahan (Conservative, West Bay). He's fully behind my earlier email and is therefore quite clearly intelligent, perceptive and right-thinking. He'll be showing the email to Roger Gale this morning to keep him in the loop.

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Airport expansion COSTS jobs

Jobs created at and near airports are heavily outnumbered by jobs lost in the domestic tourism and hospitality industries due to everyone disappearing abroad for 50p with EasyRyan. Cheap flights abroad increase our tourism deficit.

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Keep calm and carry on

"It is now public knowledge that BAWC have pulled out of their negotiations with Infratil. PLEASE don't let the issue of planes over Herne Bay drop off your radar. It is as important as ever, just temporarily less urgent..."

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Stansted 1, Manston 0

Like any business that bids for a new contract and is unsuccessful, we are obviously disappointed with this news... We are committed to attracting further freight operators to the airport and ensuring the successful return of scheduled passenger services to a range of destinations...

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Bigger than politics

Well, we went, we saw, but I'm not sure we've conquered quite yet. Everyone paid attention when we gave our speeches, no booing, no rotten tomatoes - excellent behaviour.

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City leader names BA as mystery firm

John Gilbey: leak

Clipping: thisiskent

A TOP Kent politician is the latest person to name British Airways as the firm set to move into Manston. Thanet council called an emergency meeting last month to change regulations of the airport's night flights in the belief that a new freight operator was about to relocate there. Despite widespread speculation that British Airways World Cargo was the firm set to move in, no formal announcement has since been made.

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Cargo flights fear for Herne Bay


Clipping: thisiskent

Residents face sleepless nights from May as night-time flights are set to soar over Herne Bay and Whitstable from May. Herne Bay town centre and Hampton Pier are on the planned flight path for 11 British Airways cargo carriers and homes in Chestfield and Blean will also be affected. BA has been given the green light for 11 freighter planes to land and take off at Kent International Airport at Manston for an 18-month trial period from 6am to 11.30pm. Canterbury city council was given just one week to respond to the proposal, passed by Thanet Council earlier this month.

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Furore over fast track for night flight plans

Christine Tongue

Clipping: thisiskent

Changes to night flights at Manston airport were rushed through by Thanet council on Thursday in the hope of securing a major freight operator. Councillors unanimously agreed to pass changes to flight times to allow planes to take off and land for an extra 30 minutes in the evening until 11.30pm and between 6am and 7am. The agreement, to come into effect in May, is on the condition that Kent International Airport signs a deal with a large cargo operator, rumoured to be British Airways. Deputy leader Roger Latchford told councillors it was the chance to develop jobs for Thanet.

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It's D-Day for Manston night flights

A decision that could pave the way for more night-time flights from Kent International Airport is expected this evening. Councillors in Thanet are due to vote on plans to extend the flight window, allowing planes to take off or land at Manston from 6am until 11.30pm.

Airport owner Infratil is in talks with a major European airline that wants to use the site for long-haul international cargo movements. The as yet unnamed company, reported to be British Airways, hopes to fly Boeing 747 aircraft into and out of the airport up to 11 times a week.

The local authority said the move would create up to 200 jobs but environmental campaigner Steve Dawe, spokesman for the Kent Green Party, claimed it represents the "thin end of the wedge" of expansion plans for the airport. Steve Higgins, founder of the Stop Manston Expansion Group, added:

"So many people stand to be affected by these proposals but we seem to have been forgotten about by our local councillors and MPs."

South Thanet MP and former transport minister Dr Stephen Ladyman said he supports the controlled expansion of the airport. He said:

"There is a real hunger for local employment and the opportunity to create several hundred jobs is one that must be taken."

kentonline 12th Feb 2009


BA plans cargo flights from Manston

British Airways, seen landing at Manston on Wednesday after redirection due to a fluid spillage, could be flying cargo from the airport as easrly as May

British Airways, seen landing at Manston on Wednesday after redirection due to a fluid spillage, could be flying cargo from the airport as easrly as May. British Airways is understood to be planning cargo flights out of Manston from as early as May – a move that will create hundreds of jobs. Thanet council chiefs revealed on Wednesday that night flights over the isle could increase with the imminent arrival of a new freight operator.

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More night time flights for Manston?

Controversial plans for more night time flights Kent International Airport at Manston are being considered by the local council. The proposals, which could become a reality as early as this May, would see dozens more flights into Kent International Airport every month. The first planes would take off or land at Manston from 6am and would operate until 11.30pm.

Airport owner Infratril is currently in talks with a major European airline that wants to use the site for long haul international cargo movements. The unnamed company hopes to fly 747 aircraft into airport up to 11 times a week. The plan would require a step change to the section 106 environmental agreement that restricts the airport's operations and is likely to be met with opposition.

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Manston could help ease strain of games

Clipping: thisiskent

Bosses at Manston airport have revealed they are in talks with Olympic officials such as organising committee chairman Seb Coe to give the airport a role in the 2012 London games. Chief executive Matt Clarke believes the airport’s location and facilities will mean it can be used to fly in athletes, fans and equipment to the London gamese the inevitable strain placed on Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted and London City airports in 2012.

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Air freight fuel costs

In order to put the fines at Manston into perspective, we would like to know what the fuel costs are for flying a fully laden 747-400 freight plane from, say, Nairobi to Manston. And maybe the fuel cost of flying the same, mostly empty, plane back again.

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Does anyone have (or have access to) reliable hand-held noise meters? It would be very useful to be able to compare the computer-modelled noise with the actual noise that people hear.

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How many lorries?

To get an idea of the road traffic implications of a busy freight airport - IF the freight has to arrive at night to meet the deadlines of that particular supply chain, then presumably it's going to need to be unloaded and on its way as soon as possible. So, one fully laden 747-400 equals how many lorries' worth of freight? Are the perishables being imported arriving in something as convenient as shipping containers that are then craned onto the back of lorries?

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