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Mixed reaction to consultation

Thanet council's public consultation on Manston airport's night flight proposals has attracted 700 responses. The views given will help the council form its response to plans by airport operators Infratil to host an average of eight flights a night at Manston.

The authority's consultation was scaled back from plans to engage market research experts MORI and ask for views from other districts when Thanet council took legal advice that it was only a "consultee" on the plans and had no legally binding say in the matter.

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Bus day in Ramsgate

We were down at the harbour for most of the morning because the press wanted us to be there at 10, 11 and 12 so, given that we wanted maximum publicity, we needed to do that.

Unfortunately the splendid and venerable bus, loaned to us by a Ramsgate resident and supporter, broke down in Queen Street and so we were unable to get all around town as planned - apologies to all those who had camped out waiting for a glimpse!

We were delighted with the response, lots of people came out to support, we were able to speak to residents and visitors who were unaware of the proposal, and we were able to speak to people about the facts etc etc.

Here are some of the highlights of the day - do feel free to add your own...

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SNAFU at TDC Public Consultation

Phew! Panic over.

For a while there, it looked like the TDC Consultation machine was randomly rejecting emails without telling anyone.

What's actually happening is that the lone soul that TDC has assigned to the task of dealing with the submissions to the public consultation has simply been snowed under.

When each submission comes in, she checks that all the necessary name and address details are present, then checks it's not a duplicate, then updates her list of people who have taken part, and then sends out a confirmation email.

So many submissions have come in - around 1,000 apparently - that she hasn't been able to keep up, so if you haven't received your confirmation email yet, don't fret. Mind you, don't hold your breath either - she's off next week. Who organises this stuff?


Caption competition

(L-R) Charles Buchanan, horse, Lady Suzy Gale


The antidote to night flights - all aboard!

This is excellent! We've got our hands on a bus!

We'll be driving all over Ramsgate on Saturday 25th February, and the bus will be covered with No Night Flights banners and bunting, so we'll be easy to spot.

The bus will be full of lovely No Night Flights campaigners, so do feel free to wave, blow us kisses, and come up and introduce yourselves.

We will be dispensing tea, biscuits, facts and earplugs as we tell the good people of Ramsgate about the awful truth behind Manston's night flights proposal, and collect "No thank you" letters for the public consultation.

Where and When?

We've arranged for the local press to come along to cover the story and get some "crowd shots" for next week's papers, and we've got Thanet's finest film-makers joining us to record the day - bound to be a blockbuster!

If you want to be sure of your 15 minutes of fame, you'll need to meet the bus at Ramsgate Harbour, where it will be stopping off on its all-day tour. The two big photo opportunities will be at 11am sharp, and at 12 noon on the dot, so be there a bit early to make sure you get in the frame! Our movie moguls will be with us throughout the day.


Elephant in the room: the biggest lies hide in plain sight

Charles Buchanan (Manston's CEO) recently published his night flights manifesto.

He had a page of his own in the Isle of Thanet Gazette to tell the world how important and wonderful night flights will be. He opened with:

"Firstly, I would like to make clear we are asking for limited, managed and mitigated night-time operations policy - not unlimited night flights."

Let's look a bit more closely at the last four words of that sentence, the ones that sound quite reassuring.

We all understand the word "not", so that's OK. And we all understand what Mr Buchanan means when he says "flight", so that's fine.

What about "night"?

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You say (22)

#Manston #nightflights

Dear Reader - this one's a cracker! Grab yourself a cup of tea, or a pint of gin, snuggle down and enjoy...

I am a resident of Ramsgate. I live directly in the approach flight-path for Manston within three miles of the runway threshold. I would like to register my objection to Infratil’s suggestion that they should be allowed conduct night-flights.

Since the airport was privatised I have been disturbed by night-flying on a number of occasions. I have used the airport’s complaints system but this has only ever resulted in my receiving a letter from the airport telling me that the flight concerned was operating safely.

Thanet District Council is fully aware that night-flights arriving at and departing from Manston wake me from my sleep. I contacted the Council on three occasions last year to complain about being woken. On one of those occasions Laura Sandys contacted the Council on my behalf. Thanet District Council failed to answer the questions I asked in my correspondence and, consequently, I have requested that the matter be the subject of a formal complaint.

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You say (21)

#Manston #nightflights

To Whom it concerns

I am strongly AGAINST the NIGHT FLIGHTS between 11pm and 7am, as I live directly under the flight path.

I moved to Herne Bay 3 years ago, from Gillingham, for a quiet and less congestive life but will not get this if night flights are allowed.

When I moved here I accepted that I was in the flight path and only a handful of planes where landing, but I DO NOT ACCEPT that I should have to put up with night flights and having to my windows closed, because of the noise

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I am writing to emphasize that I am strongly opposed to flights in and out of Manston Airport between the hours of 11:00 pm and 7:00 am.

I live in Herne Bay directly under the path of incoming flights and want you to know that the noise level during the day is too loud and most annoying, to have flights landing during the night would be unbearable.

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You say (20)

#Manston #nightflights

This email is to register that I am AGAINST night flights between 11pm and 7am to & from Manston Airport.

There are many occasions (particularly on Sundays) when aircraft approaching Manston fly very low close to my home. Although this is bearable during the daytime, it will not be during the night as my sleep will be disturbed.

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I am sending this email to register that I am AGAINST NIGHT FLIGHTS between 11pm and 7am.

I feel that as I am so close to the flight path, night flights would not only disrupt my sleep but also that of my young children and that in turn would affect their ability to learn at school.

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You say (19)

#Manston #nightflights

We would like to register our strong objection to the proposal for night flights over Ramsgate between 11pm and 7am.

Ramsgate has one of the highest concentrations of listed buildings in the country and the country's only royal harbour. This creates a special heritage asset that should be preserved at all costs, particularly since these are major features underpinning the future development of the area. This is important for the potential enhancement of tourism and employment in a sustainable way. We believe that the proposed night flight schedule would create unacceptable noise and pollution, thus irretrievably destroying the heritage nature of the town and blighting all of us who live under the flight path.

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I and my family (including two children age 8 and 12 years of age) are against night flights.

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You say (18)

#Manston #nightflights

Please accept this email as a vote NO to night flights between 11pm and 7am.

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Night flights into Manston Airport cannot be justified given the low number of daytime slots currently taken up. I would suggest that the airport operators concentrate on attracting daytime operations, particularly passenger airlines which are more likely to increase the number of staff employed at the airport.

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You say (17)

#Manston #nightflights

AGAINST Manston's night flying proposal


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I am a shift worker with varied hours so I need to maximise my sleep when possible nights flights would mean that my sleep patterns could be broken and nights would be restless. Which could result in health problems or accidents. As my property is directly under the flight path I can accept air port noise / traffic during a normal day but find it very difficult to believe that there is a call for flights to be made during these hours as the daytime slots are only partially filled.

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You say (16)

#Manston #nightflights

I am strongly against Manston’s night flying proposal.

Flybe cannot make Manston work for them others have tried and failed.

The catchment area for Manston is just not large enough for this ever to work for passenger flights.

All that is left is old aircraft bringing in cargo. Please don't spoil what we have now, a great town on the up.

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Dear Sirs,

I would like to let you know that I am strongly opposed against any night flights in Manston airport between 11pm and 7am.

Already in its present form the airport is a considerable source of unnecessary noise and environmental pollution.

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Open letter, simple question

Dear Charles Buchanan (CEO Manston), Maxim PR (Manston's spin doctors), Infratil (Manston's owners), and anyone who believes Manston's job forecasts:

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You say (15)

#Manston #nightflights

Dear Sirs,

I would like to let you know that I strongly object against any night flights in Manston airport between 11pm and 7am.

The airport already causes a lot of noise and pollution. Should the proposed plans go ahead, my life – and those of thousands of other people – will be even more affected by noise, stress and illnesses.

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No to Night Flights

Ramsgate has many listed building that cannot have double glazing – windows rattle when the Cargo Monsters fly over.

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You say (14)

#Manston #nightflights

Finally a chance to be consulted on night flights!

I am strongly opposed to night flights from Manston between the hours of 11pm and 7am.

Living directly under the flight path, I am unable to continue a conversation when I am outside when a plane flies over, and in the evening when the TV is on, I cannot watch a programme without turning the volume right up when a plane goes overhead.

I am categorically opposed to seeing my sleep pattern disrupted for the illusory creation of a few jobs.

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Dear Sirs,

We wish to register our very strong objections to the proposed night flights in and out of Manston airport.

We moved to the Herne Bay area some 12 years ago

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You say (13)

#Manston #nightflights

I AM AGAINST all and any flights to or from Manston, Kent International Airport; at night after 11:00pm or before 7:00am. Noise and fumes pollution is high by day, and would be disturbing and distressing at night.

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I wish to register my opposition to the proposed night flights to and from Manston airport.

I live in Station Road, Herne Bay which is on the approach to Manston and we quite regularly have 747 cargo planes flying over during daylight hours, which is quite unpleasant.

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You say (12)

#Manston #nightflights

I want to say that I am AGAINST night flying at Manston between the hours of 11pm and 7am. Every time there is a night flight, for whatever reason, I am woken from sleep. The noise from night flights will be unbearable and quality of life will be changed forever. I am speaking for my children and my grandchildren who often sleep at my house and have been woken up already with night flights. Sleep is precious and not an option - do not allow these flights!

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I am writing to register my strong opposition to Infratil's current proposal for Night Flights from Manston airport.

My home lies directly under the Manston airport flight path and the noise of daytime flights is already hugely invasive and shocking, at any time of day.

Quite aside from my personal feelings, I believe that the threat of night flights is effectively stifling the burgeoning renaissance of Ramsgate.

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You say (11)

#Manston #nightflights

We are totally against the extension of the time frame during which night flights are to be allowed.It is bad for our health and well-being and will do nothing to create a significant increase in jobs at the airport.

The present no-flights time frame of 11.00 pm to 7.00 is frequently not observed. We have been awakened by flights at 01.30 am, 04.30 am and more. Even though there is a no night flights policy in operation, this is frequently broken.

What we want is a no night flights policy which is observed.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I am against night flights between 11pm and 7am.

We are immediately under the flight path that comes it across Herne Bay and much of the time planes come over very low when flying at night using large freight craft many of which will be old and noisy.

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You say (10)

#Manston #nightflights

I would like to state my objections to any proposal to have regular night flights from Manston. My tenants have complained on a number of occasions about noise disturbance from aircraft taking off and landing at Manston. If this were to be extended to night times too there would be serious disruption to sleep.

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We live in St. George's Road, Ramsgate, and we suffer from the noise of planes entering and leaving Manston airport during the day. Occasionally there is a flight in the night, and the noise wakens us.

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